1. 'Create character page button' on the home site should create a blank character page that's consistent with the existing character pages. We should probably decide on a format for a character page (headings etc.) and then work toward making a button that works correctly. I don't have a preference for how a character page should be (you can look at the three that are there though). Also, I may have a hard time making that button but I will try once the format is decided if nobody else can/wants to make it.
2. The same thing with the 'Create episode page' except there are no actual anime episodes yet.
3. I deleted the 'Create season page' button from the home site (for obvious reasons). Hopefully that's ok. There is a page for Season 1 already. I made an infobox for seasons, too. If anybody can, check if it's coreect and/or improve wording in it.
4. For some reason the Characters category page had a 'Create episode page' button that also didn't work. I tried to make a working 'Create a character page' button there but failed so I deleted the button for now. If you want it there and can make a working one, please add it.
5. Maybe there should be a 'Create a book page' button, too. Either on the home site or on the category page.
I don't think any of this is particularly urgent but it should be sorted out. Or these buttons should be deleted altogether.