Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Wiki

Renyi Li (李仁壱, Li Renyi) is the older half-brother of Ruixi Li and Suzuki's first employer. He was killed five years prior to the start of the story.



Renyi had a large build and broad shoulders. He and his younger brother had different mothers and looked nothing alike.


Like his brother, Renyi was a habitual smoker with an addictive personality. He had always been fond of his younger brother and spoke about him often.


At some point in the past, Renyi saw something in Suzuki, a self-described "nobody," and took the man under his wing as his personal driver and bodyguard. Suzuki was entirely devoted to his boss, and Renyi would speak highly of him to his younger brother. On a cold, snowy day, Renyi exited his car to routinely buy cigarettes. While walking across the parking lot, he spotted a young man with a gun and stopped. The man shot him through the heart and fled, while Renyi died and grew cold in Suzuki's arms.

Renyi's body was taken to a hospital and several of his other subordinates beat Suzuki in the hospital room for allowing their boss to be murdered under his watch. Suzuki was ordered to cut off his pinky finger, and internally he admitted that this punishment was not enough. He was stopped by Ruixi Li, however, who was impressed with his devotion to his brother and hired him as a driver on the spot. Suzuki cried on Renyi's chest as he recalled what an incredible man his former boss was.


Shou Wang Arc[]

While Li hopes that Suzuki will eventually forget about Renyi, Renyi's death has had a profound impact on Suzuki, to the point that he will not let Li purchase his own cigarettes. He protects and obeys his employer earnestly and frequently has flashbacks about Renyi throughout the story. Suzuki is eventually shot through the heart, and as he bleeds out, Renyi's face comes to mind. Suzuki is content with dying in the same manner as his former boss.
