Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Wiki

Shinji Taniyama (谷山真二, Taniyama Shinji) is a young man in Fukuoka who is targeted by the avengers after posting videos of himself killing puppies on the internet. When confronted by José Martínez, however, he proves that the videos are fake and is forced to adopt all the dogs he had supposedly hurt.



He is young and described as pale and appearing weak-willed, someone who does not look capable of killing.


Prior to the start of the story, Taniyama adopted several puppies from a local shelter at separate times. He brought each puppy home and recorded videos in his bathroom of himself placing the puppy in a bag and stabbing the bag repeatedly until the dog stopped moving. In truth, he was stabbing an electronic dog toy with a retractable knife, the fur, blood, and yelps were fake, and he was simply seeking internal popularity and ad money for his content, after which he would return the dogs to the shelter.


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A woman from an animal welfare group meets Martínez to show him one of Taniyama's videos and ask him to make the culprit pay. Enokida quickly turns up information on Taniyama, including his address, and Martínez pays a visit to his home.

Taniyama innocently answers the door and is shocked when Martínez forces his way in. He threatens to call the police, but when Martínez confronts him about his horrific videos, he immediately attempts to clear up the misunderstanding. He explains his process and reasoning for creating the fake videos while kneeling on the floor in apology. When he admits to returning the puppies to the shelter, Martínez punches him across the room in frustration and demands he assume responsibility for the dogs.

He is unpleasantly surprised when Martínez returns less than two days later and is shocked when Enokida slips inside his apartment without invitation. The four puppies he has adopted run around their feet, and when Enokida asks him to make a video for them using his retractable knife and fake blood and offers a large reward, Taniyama accepts immediately.
