Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Wiki
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Wiki

Takashi (タカシ) is an employee of Club Miroir who is executed by Xianming Lin for stealing from the Kakyuu Association.



Takashi is a young man with blond hair and freckles. The novel describes him as having a face covered in pimples. He wears a gold chain necklace, and while working as a waiter, a white shirt under a black waistcoat and tie.


Takashi has a cowardly and opportunistic personality. He steals ten million yen from the club he works for, and when his lover Akemi is murdered in front of him, he pleads and attempts to make a deal for his own life.


Prior to the start of the series, Takashi stole ten million yen from Club Miroir, a high-end club owned by the Kakyuu Association. He bragged to an acquaintance about the money he obtained, and members of the Kakyuu Group learned of his actions. Rather than retrieving the money, the association sent Lin to kill him.


Mayor Harada Scandal Arc[]

Takashi manga

Takashi is splashed with Akemi's blood

Lin finds Takashi in his lover's apartment in Hakata, where he pretends to be a jilted lover demanding a break-up in order to be let inside. He kills Akemi as soon as she lets him in, and Takashi, exiting the shower, is sprayed with her blood. Upon learning Lin has been sent by the Kakyuu Association, he apologizes desperately and offers Lin the four million stolen yen remaining, but Lin goes through with his assignment, slicing him across the throat with a kitchen knife.

When Yamato pickpockets Detective Takeda's photo of Mayor Harada and Zhang off of Zenji Banba, he recognizes Takashi in the background of the picture. He tells Banba about Takashi's murder and relays rumors that Club Miroir is run by a dangerous organization, information that helps Banba with his case.
