Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Wiki

Ese Uno is one of the founding members of the Los Eses drug cartel and a former member of the Veracruz Cartel. He leads Ocho and Treinta on their three-man trip to Fukuoka with the aim of laying the groundwork for Los Eses' future marijuana-dealing operations in Eastern Asia.



Uno is of Japanese descent, implying he has mixed features, and he fluently speaks Spanish and Japanese.


As one of the senior members of Los Eses, Uno heads the trio that visits Japan. He is frequently exasperated by the constant complaints of his comrades Ocho and Treinta. His weapon of choice is a gun.


Uno was a member of the Veracruz cartel and a loyal follower of Ramiro Sanchez. After the cartel fell and Don Ramiro was imprisoned, Uno and several other loyal members formed the Los Eses.


Cartel Arc[]

Uno chooses Ocho and Treinta to accompany him to Fukuoka. He initially teams up with a local Chinese mafia, but when distribution of their goods causes the Chinese to come into conflict with the rival Noma Group, Uno takes the freelance drug dealer and mediator Yakuin's advice and allies the Los Eses with the Noma Group. During negotiations with Kishihara, Uno proposes selling out the Chinese group to gain Kishihara's trust and eliminate a future rival.

From their warehouse near Hakata Port, the three cartel members load ten kilograms of marijuana onto a fishing boat and disembark at Sunset Park, on the tip of the pier. After noticing Treinta's disappearance, Uno and Ocho are surrounded by American DEA members. As José Martínez moves to handcuff the pair, Uno recognizes his own cartel's tattoo on the agent's arm.

With the advantage the trio of Los Eses members have over the pair of former cartel members, they take Martínez and Ricardo Seiya Ortega back to their warehouse. Back at Sunset Park, the three comrades watch the Noma Group surround and slaughter the Chinese, and as Uno prepares to hand over their marijuana to their allies, Zenji Banba and Xianming Lin arrive and incapacitate the Noma Group members. Uno sends Ocho and Treinta to deal with them while he loads the drugs back onto the boat. Interrupted by the escaped Ricardo, who confronts and begins shooting at him, Uno leaps into the boat and sets it adrift in the sea. As he tries to call his allies for backup, Martínez steps out of hiding and confronts him. Ricardo, having rushed after the escaping boat, shoots the gun out of Uno's hand before he can kill Martínez, and Martínez knocks him unconscious. Ricardo reports Uno's capture to the DEA.
